Wednesday, November 26, 2008

With many Thanks...

by Kathleen

Thanks for my parents who have always loved and supported me. (My Mom saved canned goods for years so I wouldn't starve in a garret. Sure she may claim now that she was joking, but I think she really did it.)

Thanks for my siblings who I bossed about mercilessly in my know-it-all oldest child manner, but somehow managed to love me anyway. (Of course... I do know it all so maybe that's why.)

Thanks for my DH. A good man who makes me happy. Enough said.

Thanks for the roof over my head, the yarn and fabric in my stash, the sweet kitties who are at home right now laying a fine mist of fur on the aforementioned stash, dear friends, and the yummy food with the welcoming in-laws tomorrow.

Life is feeling good right now. Not perfect (whatever that would be), but truly, deeply good. And for that... I'm thankful.

Wishing you all a happy, healthy, love filled Thanksgiving with whoever and whatever you are thankful for.

1 comment:

Toni said...

Great post! I think it's wonderful to sit back & count one's blessings from time to time